Monday 10 December 2012

Editing OUDF404 studio brief 2

Film Editing is a part of the post-production in making a film/ video. It consists of putting the money together and adding the final touches. Software that can be used for this are; Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut. My main part in the group project is to edit and create the credits. I enjoy editing as you can see the final film build up to create a masterpiece.
There are 3 types of editing the Editors cut, the Directors cut and the Final cut.
The editors cut consists of a rough edit of where the director and editor have discussed what it should look like, the editor will put together a few images of the way the film will be put together.
The directors cut consists of overlooking the rough cut and discussing with the editor what touches will be needed to make it great, they will completely go through the entire movie and add special affects and so on.
The final cut is a chance to over see the final movie to make sure no mistakes where made and to add in any touch ups.

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