Monday 10 December 2012

Preproduction; Instructional video OUDF404 studio brief 1

I began looking at 1 minute videos to get inspiration from. I made a list of things that I could base my instructional video on. This list consisted of; how to make a bed, how to make pasta bolognese, how to create a mater piece with oil paints, how to draw people and how to create a smokey eye affect with makeup. With the time that we had to create our video I realised that I could not do some of these in the list. This helped me to cut the list down. I ended up with how to make a bed, how to make bolognese and how to create smokey eyes. But I needed to cut this list down to one so I chose to do smokey eyes as it was more exciting and instructional.
Candy Crime one minute video
A hero's tale

I had a few problems in getting a girl to be on camera, so I thought I should broaden by looking for anyone willing to be on camera. I asked Stewart Brown and he was willing to do it which was great as this meant I could start with the production.
I started researching make up advertisements and tutorial videos to get ideas for camera angles and how to create a smokey eye look.

I really like the way that Dolce and Gabbana have presented there makeup in there advertisement, I also like the camera angles as it shows the makeup, preparing makeup and the set perfectly and smoothly.

Dolce and Gabbana makeup ad campaign. 

At this point I am thinking about using panning within my video, also tilting and close ups. I believe these will enhance my video and present what I am showing. I extremely like the song in this video so I am thinking of using it for my video as I think it would work really well. 
Here are some of the instructional videos I found;

This is a good one which gives spoken instructions as well as written. 

Most of the instructional videos was spoken but I want to create written ones as it would seem much better and you would not get times where people can not understand you/ hear what you are saying. 

I then began to research different types of smokey eyes and looked at colours I could use.

colours and strokes

More colours and strokes
I really like the way black and white work together so I think there the colours I will use. I plan on using a small camera to film and make my video more like a documentary on a photo shoot taking place like the Dolce and Gabbana advertisement but make it more humorous with it being a man instead of a beautiful young women.

All image maybe subject to copyright.

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