Friday 2 November 2012

Character development Studio brief 1 (OUDF403)

I have collected images to create a collage of the what my character may look like. There are certain parts of animal that I take more interest in than others. The main animals the I use are Eagles, fish and lizards. This is because I believe eagles have a natural hunting instincts and fish have great eyesight.

Body Parts

Close ups.
I have also drawn body parts to see what would piece together best.




Tails and pose

My character is a mythical creature who is half Eagle half Fish. Which is why I named it Feagle, my character is very cautious, mysterious, he's impulsive and defensive as a last resort. His mother was hunted by humans when he was incredibly young which has made him very cautious. It has been so long since one of these creature was encountered that people believe it to be a mythical. Those who do believe hunt them for trophy purposes or to learn more about them. Feagle hasn't had much education but through many years he has learnt to be cautious and taught himself the skills needed to survive. His prey tends to be quite small such as fish and shrimps. He prefers to be out at night and loves to watch the sun rise. He lives in a cave filled with water to drink and swim in when need, the cave is well hidden in a wooded area. He used to be affectionate, playful and loving until his mother was murdered. He dislikes humans and confrontation.

Some images may be subject to copyright. 

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