Friday 2 November 2012

Feagel my character- studio brief 1 (OUDF403)

I have put all my images together to create a final character. The reason i have used a Eagles head is because they have very good eyesight and there beaks are great for a predator hunting its prey. I have used a fish tail as i want my creature to be good in water as well as land. The wings are slightly different to an eagles as i want them to be stronger against any enemies so they have a harder skin.

My character in a t-pose and the tails at different angles. 
In a different T-pose

During Movement
I have chosen bright colours for my character as i believe it suits him more if he was brighter. It also helps to back the backstory up as he has mutated.

My character at a side pose with colour. 
I have added some colour to the background to make him seem out doors.

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