Monday, 17 March 2014

Watership Down

Watership Down is about rabbits fighting for survival. With the fact that their home will soon be destroyed one rabbit see's it coming and asks the rest of the rabbits to flee with him. The chief rabbit of his group didn't believe him however some of the rabbits did and they fled. Later on they came across one of the rabbits that was from their original group, he was badly injured and told them about what happened to him. He was enslaved by a group that was run by rabbit that goes by the name Governor. They marked each rabbit they captured, the markings showed which group they were in and each group had different things they had to do. If any of the rabbits tried to run away they would be punished severely. After the group fled and found their perfect patch of land they realised they had no females to mate with so they would die out. However the managed to con a bird they previously helped when he was injured, to go and find some female rabbits. he came back once he found some the only problem was this was the group that was run by the Governor and it would be tricky to rescue them. They sent one of there stronger rabbits to go undercover and help to free the trapped rabbits. They managed to get away but the Governor found  there habitat and was wanting to settle the score by killing the rabbit that betrayed him.The whole group was under threat. Hazel the leader of the group managed to come up with an idea of setting a dog lose whilst the rest of the group hides in the burrows. This planned work perfectly and the group can now live in peace and have freedom. Hazel passes away soon after but he managed to get his happiness and he goes to a good place.
When I first heard of Watership Down I expected it to be an animation for children, I was wrong. The whole story was very mature and there was quite a lot of violence. I really liked the animation style it is a lot like the one I am using for my National Trust brief. I think this film worked really well as it really surprises the audience with the mature story coming from a child like animation. It's a lot like Mary and Max where they used a child like animation style but incorporated a very mature story.

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