Friday 9 May 2014

Beginning to model - Character one

To create the the First Cowboy I used the Character turn around as reference images. The images helped a lot in creating the model as I was able to manoeuvre the vertexes to shape the character. 

I came across a big problem when modelling that I hadn't noticed till it was too late. The problem was that I had extruded the gun pockets from the front view which came out wrong. I hadn't noticed until I got into the normal perspective view. When I tried to undo the moves I did it didn't work as I had done a lot afterwards. Due to this I had to restart over again. I guess it's a good thing that I realised at the modelling stage as I would have had to redo the rig, as I hadn't done the rig yet it was fine. I would have been much further behind schedule if this was the case, I was only set back about a day. 

I quite enjoyed creating the 3D models as it helped me to understand more about creating 3 dimensional humanoid figures. I hope to move on with my skills and apply what I have learned to creating stop motion models. 

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