Friday 16 May 2014

Rainbow Loop

Here are the sprites I have drawn to make my animation.

Here are the colour versions I created using Photoshop's paint tools. I am next going to use Photoshop's timeline in order to make a GIFF animation of the flag waving in the wind.

Here is the final Giff that I created,

I got some really constructive feedback from Loop De Loop.
The feedback was that they said it wasn't engaging enough to the audience as it was only a flag, they said it may have been more engaging with sound. They also said that I needed to work more on the loop as it doesn't loop perfectly which I agree with. With more time I would have improved it but and re-entered the site. I would have improved it by adding more sprites in order to make the loop work properly and I would have put in more to make it more engaging.

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