Wednesday 20 May 2015

Critical Report

Critical Report

During the course I have managed to learn many different skills in order to get into the animating and games industries. Some of the skills include hand drawn animation, model making, 3D animating, and sprite animations. For the last year I have concentrated more on model making. I have taken extra lesson in order to get my skills to a more professional standard. Not only have I being pushing myself to improve my skills in model making, but I have also been do extra work in order to get my 2D animating skills to a better standard. Now that University is coming to an end, it is that time to think about putting everything I have learned into the working world.

There are various companies around the world that are specialised in animation. Laika is one of them. Laika is an American stop motion animation studio that have moved on to 3D printing. At the moment Laika have no openings for model makers, hopefully in the near future there will be some. Before I can go to a big company like Laika I am going to need to get some experience in smaller industries. At the moment there seems to be lack of jobs in the stop motion animation industries.
Aardman is another stop motion animation studio, this studio is based in England. Aardman may be a stop motion animation studio but it is moving into 3D animation. This is another company that has no available jobs in the sector that I am hoping to get in to. Aradman animations is an amazing studio that has made many feature films such as Chicken run and Wallace and Gromit. It would be amazing if I could get into a studio like this.

I have managed find open jobs using a website called animated jobs. Marlborough Productions Ltd in partnership with Cartoon Network London
are currently looking for a 2D/3D background artist. This is something that I could look deeper into as I have done a lot of environment designs. It may not be my preferred job but at least it is a start. They are looking for someone who has worked with Photoshop, Maya and after effects. These are three pieces of software that I feel very comfortable using. Animated jobs is a very useful website when looking for work in the animation industry. I have managed to find a job that is aimed more towards what I want to do the job is at Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, they are looking for a set builder. This job includes model making a set and props. The main requirement is to have experience in model making and casting. Once I have gained more experience by freelance work then I will feel more comfortable in apply for jobs in the industry but it is very helpful to see what the companies are looking for.

My main aim is to have a job in model making for stop motion animations. My hope is to join McKinnon and Saunders on their model making team, but before I can do that I am going to need to improve my skills in model making. The main sector I would like to join in McKinnon and Saunders is the concept to model room which is where the modeller create models from the concept art that has been given. These models are unable to be animated and are created in order to get the correct look for the characters. In order to improve my skills in model making I will be spending the summer coming up with various character designs for me to model using lots of different materials such as Plasticine and Silicone. I will be continuing with the freelance work that I have been doing whilst at University, the freelance work that I have been doing is graphic design. The graphic design work that I have already done include poster and invitation designs.

I will be entering various competitions to get my name out there. It will be competitions such as Loop De Loops and 11 second club. I will also be looking to enter my work into festivals. My aim is to make sure that I improve my skills and carry on doing animations whilst looking for and applying to jobs in the industry. Not only will I be entering competitions but I also have a plan to do a short series on YouTube. YouTube is a very good tool to get my work out into the world. The short series is going to be 2D animated. I will also be looking into creating stop motion animations that will be approximately 30 seconds long. The whole idea is to constantly put work out there to get my name into the industry. From my last visit to the Bradford animation festival I managed to gather various business cards in which I hope to keep in touch with those working in the companies. Whilst at the animation festival I managed to speak to Barry Purves who gave me some great advice. His advice was to keep the animations short. It’s all about quality not quantity. The quality of my work is what will get me noticed. So for the next year I am just improving on my skills as well as looking for freelance work.  

 In the mean time I will be looking in to other options if I am unable to succeed in model making.  My main secondary option is to go into 2D animation. This option means I am able to look at games companies and animation companies. I have been learning a lot about sprite based animations, this then enables me to look into games companies as a 2D animator.

Crytek is a games industry that is currently looking for a 2D animator who has at least 2 year experience with Photoshop or painter. They are wanted the employee to have experience with working in a game engine. At the moment I am helping to make a 2D platform game, my responsibilities in making this game is to create all the animations, the animations that I am making are sprite based animations. I am also leading art director and concept artist. The job is in , Germany. I am willing to relocate if I need to. So if I am unable to succeed in the animations industry I am willing to move to the games industry.

Data Scope are also looking for an animator who is able to produce 2D and 3D animations. However they are looking for someone who has had 2 Years’ experience in the games industry. This is something that I do not have. In the games industry they tend to want someone who has already had experience in the games industry. It is a common problem that I come across. I am going to need to gain experience with in the industry to get anywhere. I will look more into junior level jobs first just to gain a bit of experience.

High Score recruitment are currently looking for a junior cinematic artist. They are looking for someone who is interested in film making, photography, have understanding of camera technique or terminology and having Maya experience is favourable. This is something that I could apply for and would help me to gain first-hand experience in the industry. They are not asking for anyone who has experience, this role may help me to learn more about the games industry.

All the jobs related to games, I managed to find on the games industry website. This website is very useful when looking for any jobs in the games industry. They have various roles going ranging from lighting artists to 3D animators and so on. They have various companies who advertise using this website such as Crytak and Big Planet. It is good that I have managed to find a website that has a lot of advertising for jobs that I am interested in as they are there for when I am ready to start applying for them.

I have taken a look into the games industry but my main aim is to be in the stop motion industry, this may be very difficult as there are currently not many jobs going in the area that I want to be in. I will be sending in my show reel to McKinnon and Saunders as they are happy to take a look at artists work and when I visited McKinnon and Saunders they were enthusiastic to see my work, and to see want current project I have going on. Whilst looking for jobs and applying for jobs in the animation industry, I will be keeping in touch with the people who handed me business cards including Mark Shapiro form Laika animations, and Nancy Phelps from Sprocket animations. I will be constantly attending animation and games festivals. As well as entering my work in to them. The main way that I will present my work into the industry is be sending show reels for them to look at as well as directing them to my YouTube channel so they can see the full videos. With my models I will be presenting an online portfolio to show off my best models. My next step is to get on Linked in so I am able to advertise myself as a 2D animator and a model maker. This is something that is very important as companies are always looking on Linked to find the perfect person for the roles going. I have updated my Cv ready to be submitted for jobs, I will be updating my CV on a regular basis and I will make sure that it is updated to suite each role that I am applying for. If I am unable to get any freelance work or experience over a year I will then look to apply for a Masters course in model making. I have already taken a look into the master’s courses going and I am very interested in joining one. However firstly I want to at least try to get into the stop motion or 2D animation industries without need to do a second course of learning. If I am honest I am pretty tired of learning and want to finally get myself out there into the working world. During summer I will be carrying on with my current job to help fund my life style as well as to help fund me making short animations. So I will be working as well as creating animation to help my skill improve. So this is my plan for when I leave University I have two other options if the first one falls through. I am trying to keep myself with back up plans as you never know what will happen. Hopefully my first option will succeed, and I wouldn’t mind too much if it was the second one that was successful instead as I do love to create 2D and sprite based animations. I feel that I am prepared and have given myself a timescale of 1 year to start to gain experience and if that doesn’t work then I will be looking in to the master’s course. 

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