Friday, 24 January 2014

The End result

I have finally finished my video, I could have probably done better but with the time I had I think I have done a good job. the things that I could make better if I had more time would to work with compositing it more as there are parts in which the foot goes invisible in sections. I think that if I had twixtor instead of using the built in frame blend it would have worked a lot better as you can see the frames overlapping each other throughout the film. I am going to use twixtor next time as I believe that gives a better result. The parts that think work really well are the credits and title sequences as they blend really well with the concept of the film. I also think that the flower stop motion works really well although it is jumpy at points. I think it works really well as the colours are very bright and the grass duplicated makes it seem as though the flower is in a field of grass.  Well here my video I hope you like it.


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